- 108
Hartmut Surmann,
Autonomous Systems at Gelsenkirchen,
Proceedings of SIMPAR 2010 Workshops
ISBN 978-3-00-032863-3,
Darmstadt (Germany) November 15-16, 2010
[Get Paper].
- 107
Christoph Brauers, Marcel Dombrowski, Hartmut Surmann, Rainer Worst,
Thorsten Linder, and Jochen Winzer,
The RescueBot - A new variant of the VolksBot,
Proceedings of SIMPAR 2010 Workshops
ISBN 978-3-00-032863-3, pp. 296-303,
Darmstadt (Germany) November 15-16, 2010
[Get Paper].
- 106
Thorsten Linder, Viatcheslav Tretyakov, Sebastian Blumenthal, Peter Molitor, Dirk Holz,
Robin Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro and Hartmut Surmann.
Rescue Robots at the Collapse of the Municipal Archive of Cologne City: a Field Report,
in Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Bremen, Germany.
[Get Paper (pdf)]
- 105
Dirk Holz, David Droeschel, Sven Behnke, Stefan May and Hartmut Surmann.
Fast 3D Perception for Collision Avoidance and SLAM in Domestic Environments,
, Mobile Robots Navigation, Alejandra Barrera (Ed.), ISBN:
978-953-307-076-6, pages 53-84, IN-TECH Education and Publishing,
Vienna, Austria, 2010.
- 104
Simone Frintrop, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Pervölz, Hartmut Surmann, Sara Mitri, Joachim Hertzberg. Attentive Classification, International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Systems, Vol. 1, Number 1, June 2009.
[Get Paper (pdf)]
- 103
Hartmut Surmann, Dirk Holz, Sebastian Blumenthal, Thorsten Linder, Peter Molitor and Viatcheslav Tretyakov.
Teleoperated Visual Inspection and Surveillance with Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles,
International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), Spezial issue, Vol. 4, No. 4. November 2008. pages 26-38 (extended version of 97), ISSN: 1861-2121.
[Get Paper (pdf)]
- 102
Hartmut Surmann, Ansgar Bredenfeld, Thomas Christaller,
Reiner Frings, Ulrike Petersen and Thomas Wisspeintner.
The Volksbot,
Workshop proceedings of international conference on SIMULATION, MODELING and PROGRAMMING
for AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS (SIMPAR), pp 551-561, November, 3-7, 2008, ISBN 978-88-95872-01-8.
[Get Paper (pdf)]
[Volksbot Webseite]
- 101
Viatcheslav Tretyakov and Hartmut Surmann.
Hardware architecture of a four-rotor UAV for
USAR/WSAR scenarios,
Workshop proceedings of international conference on SIMULATION, MODELING and PROGRAMMING
for AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS (SIMPAR), pp. 434-443, November, 3-7, 2008, ISBN 978-88-95872-01-8.
[Get Paper (pdf)]
- 100
Sebastian Blumenthal, David Droeschel, Dirk Holz, Thorsten Linder, Peter Molitor and Hartmut Surmann.
Omnidirectional sensors for mobile robots,
Workshop proceedings of international conference on SIMULATION, MODELING and PROGRAMMING
for AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS (SIMPAR), pp 415-425, 3-7 November 2008, ISBN 978-88-95872-01-8.
[Get Paper (pdf)]
[Get Poster (pdf)]
- 99
Thomas Wisspeintner, Francesco Maurelli, David Droeschel, Stefan May, Hartmut Surmann and
Kai Pervölz.
A 3D Laser Scanner System for Intersection Analysis and Autonomous Driving,
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2008), Workshop on 3D-Mapping,
[Get Paper (pdf)]
- 98
Dirk Holz, Christopher Lörken and Hartmut Surmann.
Continuous 3D Sensing for Navigation and SLAM in Cluttered and Dynamic Environments,
The 11th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2008), CD-ROM proceedings, 2008.
[Get Paper (pdf)]
- 97
Sebastian Blumenthal, Dirk Holz, Thorsten Linder, Peter Molitor, Hartmut Surmann and Viatcheslav Tretyakov.
Teleoperated Visual Inspection and Surveillance with Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles,
Remote Engineering and virtual instrumentation (Rev 2008), CD-ROM proceedings, 2008.
Paper (pdf)]
Video 1)]
Video 2)]
- 96
Stefan May, Kai Pervöz and Hartmut Surmann.
3D Cameras: 3D Computer Vision of wide Scope,
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,
pp. 181-202, Vol. 4, Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS), ISBN 978-3-902613-01-1,
Vienna, 2007.
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 95
Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg and Hartmut Surmann.
6D SLAM for 3D Mapping Outdoor Environments,
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR),
Special Issue on Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Robotic and Intelligent Systems,
ISSN 1556-4959, Vol. 24, Issue 8-9, pages 699 - 722, August - September, 2007.
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 94
Rainer Worst, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Pervölz and Marco Hartich.
Schlüsselkomponenten für die Exploration mit teil-autonomen mobilen Robotern
Autonome Mobile Systeme (AMS 2007), pp. 96-102, ISBN 978-3-540-74763-5, Kaiserslautern,
Germany, October 18-19, 2007.
[Springer link,
PDF by Springer].
- 93
Stefan May, Björn Werner, Hartmut Surmann and Kai Pervölz.
3D time-of-flight cameras for mobile robotics,
in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2006),
Beijing, China, October 9-15, 2006.
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 92
Maurice Müller, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Pervölz and Stefan May.
The Accuracy of 6D SLAM using the AIS 3D Laser Scanner,
in IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for
Intelligent Systems (MFI 2006), Heidelberg, Germany September 3-6, 2006.
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 91
Kai Pervölz, Hartmut Surmann and Stefan May.
3D Laser Scanner for Tele-exploration Robotic Systems,
in Proceedings of the International
Workshop on Safty, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2006),
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, August 2006,
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 90
Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg and Hartmut Surmann.
Heuristic-Based Laser Scan Matching for Outdoor 6D SLAM,
in Proceedings of the International
Workshop on Safty, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2006),
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, August 2006,
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 89
Hartmut Surmann and Rainer Worst.
New Applications With Lightweight 3D Sensors,
Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Robotics, 37th International Symposium
on Robotics ISR 2006 and 4th Geramn Conference on Robotics, ISBN 3-18-091956-6,
May 15 to 17, 2006, [Get Paper (PDF)].
- 88
Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim
Hertzberg, Oliver Wulf, Bernardo Wagner, Kai Pervölz, Hartmut
Surmann and Thomas Christaller.
The RoboCup Rescue Team Deutschland1,
KI Künstliche Intelligenz No. 2/06, main focus: RoboCup,
pp 24-29, ISSN 0933-1875, Böttcher IT Verlag, May 2006.
Paper (PDF)].
- 87
Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim
Hertzberg, Oliver Wulf, Bernardo Wagner, Kai Pervölz, Hartmut
Surmann, and Thomas Christaller. RoboCupRescue2006 -- Robot League,
Deutschland1 (Germany), in Team Description
Paper, Rescue Robot League Competition, (CDROM Proceedings), Bremen,
Germany, June 2006.
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 86
Rainer Worst, Hartmut Surmann, Thomas Christaller.
Erkundung unzugänglicher Bereiche mit mobilen Robotern., in
5. Altbergbau-Kolloquium , W. Busch, K. Maas, G. Meier, A. Sroka,
K.-H. Löbel, H. Klapperich, D. Tondera (Hrsg.), VGE-Verlag Essen
pages 90 - 99, ISBN 3-7739-6010-7, November 2005.
Paper (pdf)]
- 85
Hartmut Surmann, Kai Pervölz, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim
Hertzberg and Matthias Hennig.
Simultaneous Mapping and Localization of Rescue Environments, in
it - Information Technology (vormals it+ti), Schwerpunktheft Autonome
Fussball-Roboter, 5(47), pages 282 - 291, ISSN 1611-2776,
Oldenburg Verlag, October 2005.
Paper (pdf)]
- 84
Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim
Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann.
About the Control of High Speed Mobile Indoor Robots, in
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Mobile Robotics
(ECMR '05), pages 218 - 223, ISBN 88-89177-187, Ancona, Italy, September 2005.
Paper (pdf)]
- 83
Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim
Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann.
Heuristic-Based Laser Scan Matching for Outdoor 6D SLAM, in
KI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 28th Annual German
Conference on AI, Proceedings. Springer (Berlin) LNAI vol. 3698,
ISBN 3-540-28761-2, pages 304-319. Koblenz, Germany, September
Paper (PDF)]
Paper (HTML)].
- 82
Andreas Nüchter, Oliver Wulf, Kai
Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, Bernardo Wagner, and Hartmut Surmann,
3D Mapping with Semantic Knowledge, in
Proceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium 2005, Osaka,
Japan, July 2005,
Paper (PDF)]
Paper (HTML)].
- 81
Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim
Hertzberg, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Pervölz, Matthias Hennig,
K. R. Tiruchinapalli, Rainer Worst, and Thomas Christaller,
Mapping of Rescue Environments with Kurt3D, in
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Safty, Security and
Rescue Robotics (SSRR '05), ISBN 0-7803-8946-8, pages 158 - 163,
Kobe, Japan, June 2005, (best paper award) [Get
Paper (PDF)].
- 80
Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim
Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann.
Accurate Object Localization in 3D Laser Range Scans, in
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced
Robotics (ICAR '05), ISBN 0-7803-9178-0, pages 665 - 672, Seattle, USA,
July 2005,
Paper (PDF)]
Paper (HTML)].
- 79
Andreas Nüchter, Kai Lingemann, Joachim
Hertzberg, and Hartmut Surmann.
6D SLAM with Approximate Data Association, in
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced
Robotics (ICAR '05), ISBN 0-7803-9178-0, pages 242 - 249, Seattle, USA,
July 2005,
Paper (PDF)]
Paper (HTML)].
- 78
Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Matthias Hennig, Kai Pervölz,
Oliver Wulf, Joachim Hertzberg, Bernardo Wagner, Thomas Christaller,
Team discription paper RoboCupRescue - Robot League, Team Deutschland1,
at the RoboCup2005,
in the Osaka, Japan, July 2005,
Paper (PDF)]
- 77
Sara Mitri, Simone Frintrop, Kai Pervölz,
Hartmut Surmann, and Andreas Nüchter. Robust Object Detection at
Regions of Interest with an Application in Ball Recognition, in
Proceedings IEEE 2005 International Conference Robotics and Automation (ICRA '05),
ISBN 0-7803-8915-8, pages 126 - 131,
Barcelona, Spain, April 2005, [Get
Paper (PDF)] [Get
Paper (HTML)].
- 76
Simone Frintrop, Erich Rome, Andreas
Nüchter and Hartmut Surmann. A Bimodal Laser-Based Attention
System, Journal Computer Vision and Image Understanding
(CVIU), Special Issue on Attention and Performance in Computer
Vision, pages 124-151, vol. 100, no. 1-2, ISSN 1077-3142, October
- November 2005,
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 75
Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Joachim Hertzberg, Hartmut Surmann,
High-Speed Laser Localization for Mobile Robots,
Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 51, Issue 4, Pages 275-296, 30 June 2005.
Paper (PDF)].
- 74
Simone Frintrop, Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut
Surmann and Joachim Hertzberg. Saliency-based Object Recognition in
3D Data, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'04) ,
pages 2167-2172, September 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8464-4.
Paper (PDF)].
- 73
Kai Lingemann, Hartmut Surmann, Andreas
Nüchter and Joachim Hertzberg. Indoor and Outdoor
Localization for Fast Mobile Robots, in: Proceedings of
the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS'04) ,
pages 2185-2190, September 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8464-4.
Paper (PDF)],
[Get Video skidding].[Get Video corridor].
- 72
Sara Mitri, Kai Pervölz, Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter,
Fast Color-Independent Ball Detection for Mobile Robots,
Mechatronics and Robotics 2004, Aachen/Germany,
pages 900-905, September 2004. ISBN: 3-938153-50-X, Sascha Eysoldt Verlag.
Paper (PDF)],
- 71
Simone Frintrop, Andreas Nüchter and
Hartmut Surmann. Visual Attention for Object Recognition in
Spatial 3D Data, in: Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop
on Attention and Performance in Computational Vision (WAPCV '04),
Paletta, L., Tsotsos, J.K., Rome, E., and Humphreys, G. (Eds),
Joanneum Research, Graz, pages 75-82. Conference: Prague, Czech
Republic, May 15, 2004,
Paper (PDF)].
- 70
Hartmut Surmann, Rainer Worst, Matthias Hennig,
Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai Pervölz, Kiran Raj Tiruchinapalli,
Thomas Christaller, and Joachim Hertzberg,
Team KURT3D,
Vice world champion
at the
in the RoboCup Rescue Real Robot League, Lissbon, Portugal, July 2004,
Paper (PDF)]
- 69
Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai
Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. 6D SLAM - Preliminary Report on
closing the loop in Six Dimensions, in Proceedings of the 5th
IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV '04),
(CDROM preprints) Lissabon, Portugal, June 2004,
Paper (PDF)]
[Get Video].
- 68
Kai Pervölz, Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut
Surmann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Automatic Reconstruction of
Colored 3D Models in Proceedings of Robotik 2004,
VDI-Berichte 1841, pages 215 - 222, Munich, Germany, ISBN 3-18-091841-1, June
[Get Paper (PDF)]
- 67
Rainer Worst, Bernhard Klaassen, Hartmut Surmann and Joachim Hertzberg,
Robots out of Office, in
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Safety,
Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR2004, Bonn, Germany,
May 24-26, 2004, ISBN 3-8167-6556-4.
[Get Abstract (PDF)]
- 66
Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai
Lingemann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Sebastian Thrun. 6D SLAM with
Application in Autonomous Mine Mapping, in Proceedings IEEE
2004 International Conference Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2004),
New Orleans, USA, Omnipress, ISBN 0-7803-8233-1, pages 1998 - 2003, April 2004 [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML version] [Get Video]
- 65
Dominik Giel, Susanne Frey, Andrea Thelen, Jens
Bongartz, Peter Hering, Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai
Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Ultra-fast holographic recording
and automatic 3D scan matching of living human faces,
in Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop Medical Robotics, Navigation
and Visualization
(MRNV 2004),
April 2004, ISBN: 981-238-872-9, (Book of abstracts March 2004 ISBN 3-9807690-5-4)
Paper (PDF)] [HTML
- 64
Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, and
Joachim Hertzberg. Automatic Classification of Objects in 3D Laser
Range Scans, in Proceedings of the 8th Conference on
Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS 2004), IOS Press, ISBN
1-58603-414-6, pages 963 - 970, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2004
Paper (PDF)] [HTML
- 63
Simone Frintrop, Erich Rome, Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann.
Focussing Object Recognition on Regions of Interest
In: Proceedings of the 7. Tübingen Perception Conference (TWK 2004),
H. Bülthoff, H.A. Mallot, R. Ulrich, F.A. Wichmann
page 67, Conference: Tübingen, Germany, 30th Jan - 1st Feb., 2004,
ISBN 3-927091-62-6.
Abstract (PDF)]
Poster (PDF)]
- 62
Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter, and Joachim Hertzberg.
An autonomous mobile robot with a 3D laser range finder for
3D exploration and digitalization of indoor environments,
Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems, pages 181 - 198, vol. 45, issues 3-4, ISSN 09218890, Dec. 2003.
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 61
Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai
Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Semantic Scene Analysis of
Scanned 3D Indoor Environments, in Proceedings of the 8th
International Fall Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2003
(VMV '03), IOS Press, ISBN 3-89838-048-3, pages 215 - 222, Munich, Germany,
November 2003.
[HTML Version]
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 60
Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter, Kai
Lingemann, and Joachim Hertzberg. Kurt3D - An Autonomous Mobile
Robot for Modelling the World in 3D, in ERCIM NEWS 55, pages 24
- 25, ISSN 0926-4981, October 2003. [online
article] [Get Magazine (PDF)]
[Get Paper (PDF)].
- 59
Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, and
Joachim Hertzberg. Automatic Model Refinement for 3D Reconstruction
with Mobile Robots, in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE
International Conference on Recent Advances in
3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '03), IEEE Computer Society
Press, ISBN 0-7695-1991-1, pages 394 - 401, Banff, Canada, October
2003 [Get
Paper (PDF)] [HTML
- 58
Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, Kai Lingemann,
Joachim Hertzberg: Consistent 3D Model Construction with Autonomous
Mobile Robots in: A. Günter et al. (eds.): KI 2003:
Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 26th Annual German Conference on
AI, Proceedings Springer LNAI vol. 2821 , ISBN 3-540-20059-2,
pages 550 - 564, Hamburg, Germany, September 2003,
Paper (PDF)] [HTML
- 57
Andreas Nüchter, Hartmut Surmann, and
Joachim Hertzberg. Planning Robot Motion for 3D Digitalization of
Indoor Environments, in Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR '03), pages 222 - 227, ISBN
972-96889-9-0, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2003. [Get
Paper (PDF)] [HTML
- 56
Simone Frintrop, Erich Rome, Andreas Nuechter and Hartmut Surmann
``An Attentive, Multi-modal Laser Eye'',
Proc. of the 3. International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS '03), pp 202 - 211, Springer, LNCS 2626, ISBN 3-540-00921-3, Graz, Austria, April 2003.
Paper (PDF)]
- 55
Simone Frintrop, Erich Rome, Andreas Nuechter and Hartmut Surmann
``Applying Attentional Mechanisms to Bi-modal 3D Laser Data'',
International Workshop on Attention and Performance
in Computer Vision (WAPCV 03). pp 25- 30, Graz, Austria, April 2003.
Paper (PDF)]
- 54
Simone Frintrop, Erich Rome, Andreas Nüchter and Hartmut Surmann.
Visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsmechanismen auf bimodalen Laserdaten
In: Beiträge zur 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 2003),
H. Bülthoff, K.R. Gegenfurtner, H.A. Mallot, R. Ulrich, F.A. Wichmann
(eds), page 100, Conference: Tübingen, Germany, February 21-23, 2003.
ISBN 3-927091-68-5.
Abstract (PDF)]
Poster (PDF)]
- 53
Hartmut Surmann, Andreas Nüchter, and
Joachim Hertzberg. Autonomous Mobile Robots for 3D Digitalization
of Indoor Environments, GMD Report 147, ISSN 1435-2702,
Sankt-Augustin, Germany, 2003.
- 52
Hartmut Surmann and
Antonio Morales
``Scheduling Tasks to a Team of Autonomous Mobile Service Robots
in Indoor Enviroments'',
Journal of Universal Computer Science, UCS Special Issue on Spatial and
Temporal Reasoning, vol. 8, no 8, pages 809-833, Aug. 2002, ISSN 0948-6968.
[Abstract and PDF]
- 51
Hartmut Surmann and
Alexander Selenschtschikow
``Automatic generation of fuzzy logic rule bases: Examples I'',
Proceedings of NF'2002, pages 75, Havana, Cuba,
Jan, 2002, ISBN 3-906454-29-0.
Paper (PDF)]
[Fuzzy Result page]
- 50
Hartmut Surmann,
Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter and Joachim Hertzberg
``Fast acquiring and analysis of three dimensional laser range data'',
Proceedings of VMV'2001, pages 59-66, Stuttgart, Germany,
Nov, 2001, ISBN 3-89838-028-9.
Paper (PDF)]
[Video 1 (0.8 MB)].
[Video 2 (0.79 MB)].
- 49
Hartmut Surmann
``About the combination of functional approaches and Fuzzy Reasoning'',
7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Fuzzy days 2001, pages 791-799,
Dortmund, Germany,
Oct, 2001, ISBN 3-540-42732-5, Springer Verlag.
- 48
Hartmut Surmann
and Michail Maniadakis,
``Learning feed-forward and recurrent fuzzy systems: a
genetic approach'',
Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol. 47/7
pages 649-662, Aug, 2001, ISSN 1383-7621.
Paper (PDF)]
[Fuzzy Result page]
- 47
Erich Rome,
Hartmut Surmann
Herman Streich, Ulrich Licht and Karl Ludwig Paap,
``A Custom IR Scanner for Landmark Detection with the Autonomous
Sewer Robot MAKRO'',
ed. Michel Devy and Frédéric Lerasle,
9th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, SIRS 2001
Toulouse, France,
ISBN 2-907801-01-5,
pages 457-466, 18-20 July, 2001.
Paper (PDF)]
- 46
H. Surmann
Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter and Joachim Hertzberg,
``Aufbau eines 3D-Laserscanners für autonome mobile Roboter'',
GMD-Report 126, Mar, 2001, ISBN 3-88457-974-6.
Paper (PDF)]
[HTML Version]
- 45
H. Surmann
Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter and Joachim Hertzberg,
``A 3D laser range finder for autonomous mobile robots.''
In Proceedings of the 32nd ISR (International Symposium on Robotics, pages 153 - 158, Apr. 2001,
ISBN 89-88366-04-2.
[Get Paper (PDF)]
- 44
H. Surmann
and L. Peters
``MORIA - A Robot with Fuzzy Controlled Behaviour.''
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol 61, D. Driankov and A. Saffiotti, editors. Fuzzy Logic Techniques
for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, New York, 2001, pages 343 - 365,
ISBN 3-7908-1341-9.
[Get Paper (PDF)]
[Video (25 MB)].
- 43
H. Surmann and Antonio Morales
``A five layer sensor architecture for autonomous robots in
indoor environments.''
International symposium on robotics and automation
ISRA'2000, pages 533 - 538, Monterrey, N.L., México, Nov. 2000,
[Get Paper (PDF)]
[Video large (65 MB)]
[Video small (45 MB)].
- 42
H. Surmann
``A five layer architecture for real time object
detection in indoor environments.''
IFAC Symposium Artifical Intelligence in Real Time Control, AIRTC'2000,
Budapest, pages 319 - 324, 2-4 Oct. 2000
- 41
H. Surmann
``Learning a fuzzy rule based knowledge representation.''
Proceedings. of 2. ICSC symposium. on neural computation, NC'2000,
Berlin, 23-26 May. 2000, pages 349 - 355, ISBN 3-906454-22-3.
Paper (PDF)]
- 40
Marion Finke, Johannes Strassner, Josef Speier,
L. Peters, Michael Pauly, Martin
Göbel and Hartmut Surmann
``An Interactive Test Environment for Autonomous Robots. '' IMEKO - XV; World Congress, (Hrsg):
Hidetaka Imai, Susumu Tachi, IMEKO, SICE,
Tokyo, Springer Verlag pages 221-226, 1999
[Get Paper (PDF)]
- 39
H. Surmann
and Markus Theissinger
``A disposition system for multiple autonomous service robots.''
Proceedings of the International Conference on Field and Service Robotics FSR'99,
Pittsburgh PE, pages 168-173, Aug. 29-31 1999.
[Get Paper (PDF)]
[Video small (45 MB)]
[Video large (135 MB)].
- 38
Michail Maniadakis and
H. Surmann
``A Genetic Algorithm for Structural and Parametrical Tuning
of Fuzzy Systems.''
European Symposium on Intelligent Techniques, ESIT'99,
Orthodox Academy of Crete, Greece, June 3-4 1999.
- 37
M. Pauly and
H. Surmann,
M. Finke,
N. Liang
``Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Robots.''
Informatik Aktuell. Autonome Mobile Systeme, 14. Fachgespräch
Springer-Verlag, pages 57-64, 1998.
Paper (PDF)]
- 36
L. Peters,
H. Surmann,
M. Pauly and
N. Liang
``Ariadne - A Service Robot Team,'' ERCIM NEWS , No. 33, pages 39-40, April 1998.
[Get ASCII file]
online version
- 35
L. Peters,
H. Surmann,
``Ariadne - ein Team von Service-Robotern,'' GMD-Spielgel , No. 1, pages 10-11, March 1998.
- 34
H. Surmann und
J. Huser,
``Automized electropolishing process for cobalt
chromium dental cast alloys with a fuzzy logic controller,''
Journal of Computers
& Chemical Engineering, Voloume .22, No.7-8, pages 1099-1111 on 17 June 1998.
Abstract (ASCII)][Get
last draft version (PDF)]
- 33
H. Surmann,
``Genetic Optimizing of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems'', vol. 8,
ch. Optimization of Fuzzy Controllers, pages 389 - 402.
Physica-Verlag, Sep. 1996.
- 32
J. Huser, H. Surmann, und
L. Peters,
``Automatic behaviour adaption for mobile
robots with different kinematics,'' in Proceedings of the Fourth European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent
Technologies, EUFIT'96, Aachen, pages 1095 - 1099, Sept. 1996.
[Get Abstract (ASCII)]
[Get Paper (pdf)]
- 31
H. Surmann, ``Genetic optimization of a fuzzy system for charging batteries,''
IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, pages 541 - 548, Vol. 43, No. 5, Oct 1996.
Abstract (HTML)]
Paper (PDF)].
- 30
H. Surmann, ``Fuzzy System automatisch entwerfen,'' KI Künstliche
Intelligenz, vol. 2, pages 27 - 30, 1996 [Get
Paper (PDF)].
- 29
S. Guo, L. Peters, und H. Surmann, ``Design and Application of an Analog
Fuzzy Logic Controller,'' IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy
System, , pages 429 - 438, Vol. 4, No. 5, Nov. 1996.
[Get Paper(pdf)]
- 28
H. Surmann, J. Huser, und J. Wehking, ``Path planning for a fuzzy controlled
autonomous mobile robot,'' in Fivth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 96, New Orleans, pages 1660 - 1665,
Sept. 1996 [Get
Paper (PDF)].
- 27
H. Surmann, J. Huser, und J. Wehking,
``Topolgische Karten für
fuzzy-gesteuerte mobile Roboter I''.
GMD - Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, St.
Augustin, June 1996 [Get
Abstract (HTML)], [Get
PDF (10MB)].
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J. Huser, H. Surmann,
und L. Peters, ``A fuzzy system for realtime navigation
of mobile robots,'' in Information Processing for Intelligent Service
Robots, Workshop 8, KI-95, Bielefeld, pages 170 - 172, 11-12 Sept. 1995.
Paper (PDF)]
- 25
T. Lund, H. Surmann, J. Huser, und
L. Peters, ``A mixed analogue/ digital
fuzzy system for indoor mobile robot navigation,'' in Third Australian
an New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, ANZIIS 95, Vol.
1, pages 204 - 209, 27 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1995.
Paper (PDF)]
- 24
H. Surmann,
``Automatischer Entwurf von Fuzzy Systemen''.
Dissertation, Universität Dortmund, Fakultät für
Elektrotechnik, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, 1995, distinguished with the
AKI-Dissertationspreis 1995.
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- 23
H. Surmann und A. P. Ungering, ``Fuzzy-rule-based systems on general purpose
processors,'' IEEE MICRO, Special issue on fuzzy systems, pages 40 - 48,
Aug. 1995.
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- 22
H. Surmann, J. Huser, und L. Peters, ``A fuzzy system for indoor mobile robot
navigation,'' in Fourth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 95,
Yokohama, Japan, pages 83 - 88, 20-24 Mar. 1995.
Distinguished with Robot Intelligence Award
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A. Malaviya, H. Surmann, und L. Peters, ``Automatic generation of a fuzzy rule
base for online handwriting recognition,'' in Proceedings of the Second European Congress on
Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies, EUFIT'94,, Aachen, pages 1060 - 1065, Sept. 1994
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